Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Brooch Marathon

Hi everyone, I know its been a gazillion days since I last posted. Activity level has been high and I kept waiting for things to slow down a bit so I could update the blog...Alas that never happened...or is yet to happen; so I'll just take it one day at a time and maybe one day in the not too far future I'll catch up with my line-up of posts.

So first post for today...brooches! Lots of brooches.

Brooches glam up an outfit, add a splash of color to an otherwise dull ensemble and in some cases can serve as an identifier when worn by a group of people. They are cute and bright...but after making over 100 of them over a cumulative three day period, I can think of some other words to describe them...words I will desist from speaking out loud. lols

Anyways, here are a few pictures I took of the brooches before delivering them.

A Rose with leafs

Lace Bow

Kind of a Bow

A Flower

And More 

All packaged and ready for delivery.

Apologies for the sideways pictures. My laptop seems to have a mind of its own today.

I hope I don't get to use my glue gun anytime too soon because my fingers need some time to recover from the burns. whew!

Nonetheless this was an interesting experience, I learnt a bit more patience, and got a sneak preview into the world of "manufacturing" (term used lightly) and assembly line processing.

Until next time, stay blessed.

Love, Preye